Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Southern Softies


Twenty years since we marched up the Vegas Strip, been back there more times than I care to mention and plenty of other places beside. We talked last night about our best travel experience together, some of the early driving trips through France and Spain with the kids fond memories, Vegas rarely disappoints and again after some huge US driving legs, Paris in the Springtime (for rugby!) always good, Tromso (Paris of the North don't forget) as winter turns to spring would be up there too along with plenty of other European Chevy Chase style moments. Hoping for plenty more adventures still ahead, we started a list ....

Sleep a bare minimum and it was all about check out and check in to start our journey back South.  In the old days with a 5am start we'd have probably stayed up all night. These aren't the old days although I barely slept a wink anyway, but at least hadn't fallen asleep in Bastard.  Forgave the hotel for their lack of gym as they presented us a packed lunch to take on our 8 minute airport bus to the ..airport. Couple of hours chilling in Tromso airport, worse ways to spend time, the snow is actually thawing before our very eyes.

So farewell to the nearest I'll probably get to the north pole, reindeers, toothache and a Queen Camilla at home resonates with Carys and my regular Xmas film, Rudolph and the Island of Misfit Toys. If you know, you know.

Airline must have known it was our wedding anniversary as they seated us in different rows. Well, whatever it takes to get through!  I watched 14 Peaks on Ipad as recommended by my good mate Crofty as I had downloaded it on Netflix beforehand.  And got in a second breakfast on the flight.

Landed back in Oslo and on the familiar train territory, it strangely felt like we were coming home, but a bit more battle worn, and pretty tired all round.  It may be that this turns out to be a day too far on this trip but when seen as part of the whole experience you can't be going great guns all of the time.

As was too early to check into hotel (although we had been up forever) we had to find something to fill the time and Chrissi was keen on a fjord cruise. I'm not sure the fjords this end quite live up to their glacial counterparts further up country, and turned out to be a rather cold and extended harbour cruise.  A few islands dotted around made for the occasional glance at the beach huts, hard to believe people go into this water for enjoyment purposes! Pleased to hear its main airport up until 1939 was for sea planes, I'd love to go on a sea plane one day.

Really needed to check in to the hotel and chill for a bit, although Chrissi somehow found the energy for a run. I think this is the year I recognise that perhaps all day travelling, day in, day out is maybe needing to be phased out from my backpacker past.  50 is a good innings and we do have some extremes over the Summer but after that ... it also means I'm pleased to have got a lot of this done over the last 20 or 30 years as would need to be incredibly well planned in retirement. That being said my good buddy Rob is perhaps showing us the way to backpack in retirement so rule nothing out and take a look at his work, very thoughtful blogger.Robs Roaming

With it being an occasion of sorts although not one we tend to do much with publicly (other than name a blog after which perhaps is as public a display of affection as I can muster) I've always seen an anniversary as quite a personal and private milestone (unless you have a party) so we spent a couple of hours at another Indian Restaurant in Oslo, must be all they ever eat out here! It's pretty much all we have eaten!

And then sleep beckoned as we wound our way home through the deserted streets of Oslo with the strains of A ha haunting us at every turn.


  1. An excellent blog as usual

  2. Happy anniversary you adventurers.

  3. Sounds like you were ready to come home. Hope your tooth is ok. Happy anniversary and have a safe journey home.

  4. thanks all, and the anon, be nice to know who you are!! I'm trying to guess from the nature of your comments!

  5. I raise a glass to your anniversary and travels. May there be many more of both, for the both of you. Cheers!🍻


Mother of Munch

  Two tastes of Norway to start the day. First up, a drizzly run along the harbourside, turnaround point was the Munch museum to make it a f...